Hostname: (none)
MAC Address: fc:34:97:2e:a5:40

Last seen: 2024-04-03 00:06:13 KST+0900 (171 days, 9 hrs, 54 mins, 58 secs ago)

In: 1,246,989
Out: 160,482,853
Total: 161,729,842

TCP ports on this host

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
443 https 1,246,989 160,482,853 161,729,842 56

TCP ports on remote hosts

(1-30 of 36)
Port Service In Out Total SYNs
37800 25,075,781 62,512 25,138,293 0
59045 22,811,576 145,486 22,957,062 0
60930 9,231,160 27,508 9,258,668 0
45426 7,123,336 72,098 7,195,434 0
60886 7,057,492 38,209 7,095,701 0
51544 6,491,785 50,188 6,541,973 0
59044 6,447,974 64,014 6,511,988 0
36254 5,924,248 31,651 5,955,899 0
57436 5,858,599 39,226 5,897,825 0
59932 5,847,521 46,912 5,894,433 0
37110 4,781,336 66,972 4,848,308 0
60892 4,631,918 27,312 4,659,230 0
37112 4,150,951 52,344 4,203,295 0
37784 3,854,978 13,076 3,868,054 0
60890 3,727,384 24,024 3,751,408 0
36224 3,374,197 47,483 3,421,680 0
36221 3,339,773 54,070 3,393,843 0
46344 3,185,272 37,201 3,222,473 0
37150 2,860,876 52,908 2,913,784 0
37882 2,723,358 34,955 2,758,313 0
60950 2,614,040 21,432 2,635,472 0
46346 2,557,682 18,145 2,575,827 0
37154 2,476,903 17,308 2,494,211 0
42694 2,323,358 25,125 2,348,483 0
39578 2,158,283 22,955 2,181,238 0
46578 1,935,828 15,368 1,951,196 0
48724 1,922,932 5,766 1,928,698 0
39580 1,594,474 18,653 1,613,127 0
42689 1,422,924 19,067 1,441,991 0
36220 946,466 19,679 966,145 0

UDP ports on this host

The table is empty.

UDP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
6 tcp 1,246,989 160,482,853 161,729,842