MAC Address: fc:34:97:2e:a5:40

Last seen: 2024-02-25 05:04:02 KST+0900 (66 days, 1 hr, 50 mins, 21 secs ago)

In: 13,071,538
Out: 5,444,854
Total: 18,516,392

TCP ports on this host

The table is empty.

TCP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

UDP ports on this host

(1-20 of 20)
Port Service In Out Total
13049 5,626,119 2,280,172 7,906,291
1697 1,787,256 727,445 2,514,701
1719 1,183,808 552,289 1,736,097
1708 517,319 225,171 742,490
1714 525,397 207,683 733,080
1722 480,570 206,501 687,071
1705 482,469 202,142 684,611
1698 402,152 173,647 575,799
1707 275,248 108,510 383,758
1718 261,284 108,069 369,353
1706 258,215 109,186 367,401
1716 236,910 99,428 336,338
1703 173,373 73,223 246,596
1704 167,129 77,177 244,306
1721 168,466 68,437 236,903
1717 154,643 56,461 211,104
1712 112,096 49,992 162,088
1709 86,508 47,767 134,275
1711 93,344 36,941 130,285
1701 l2f 79,232 34,271 113,503

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total
6881 5,444,512 13,071,538 18,516,050

IP protocols

(1-2 of 2)
# Protocol In Out Total
17 udp 13,071,538 5,444,512 18,516,050
1 icmp 0 342 342