MAC Address: fc:34:97:2e:a5:40

Last seen: 2024-04-11 07:49:39 KST+0900 (20 days, 8 hrs, 59 mins, 7 secs ago)

In: 12,840,037
Out: 5,821,331
Total: 18,661,368

TCP ports on this host

The table is empty.

TCP ports on remote hosts

The table is empty.

UDP ports on this host

(1-2 of 2)
Port Service In Out Total
18844 12,407,339 5,632,106 18,039,445
1037 432,698 189,225 621,923

UDP ports on remote hosts

(1-1 of 1)
Port Service In Out Total
6881 5,821,331 12,840,037 18,661,368

IP protocols

(1-1 of 1)
# Protocol In Out Total
17 udp 12,840,037 5,821,331 18,661,368